Why a Desktop Database is Needed JACAMAR Convenient JACAMAR Reliable JACAMAR !!

What is
Needed !

What is Needed and How it is Achieved !

keeping the familiar and good parts of spreadsheet software while introducing the extra bits that would make life easier…

reducing the size and complexity of lists while keeping the main overview for comparisons between different sources and to ensure a consistent and suitable structure for multi-purpose tables and data quality…

see live changes and change history with multi-user, multi-purpose lists

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a tool to suit your requirements… when Excel isn’t meeting your needs, Oracle is too complex and needs IT experts or simply to reduce complexity
analysing, displaying, connecting… and making your data work for you shouldn’t be a chore
working together… for a shared common data pool,
to ensure data quality and accuracy
to reduce waiting times
and optimise communication
analysing, displaying, connecting… and making your data work for you shouldn’t be a chore
data handling should be fun…
with the flexibility,
the freedom
and the control
you’ve always needed…