We really appreciate such solutions.
They help a lot speeding up.
There are a lot of so called “low code” applications available.
– Because they are purpose-built, purpose-oriented, they most times meet special needs which may already be sufficient in some cases.
– Having a fully customisable database maybe difficult too:
Advantage: Full control over database structures, implementation timing and change flexibility.
Disadvantage: “Do it yourself” is not always a good approach in professional business.
Know how and time is required when starting with a “white sheet”.
Solution: External expertise can help, not for programming, but for supporting the business process.
But only as long as you are satisfied with the standard.
–”Low code” means somebody already did the work for you.
A criteria that distinguishes a good system is how customisable it is.
–As soon as a specific business process has been baked into the software, you depend on that.
–If you have to individualise something, it gets expensive.