The Desktop Database !!

Darstellung großer Tabellen und Listen

JACAMAR ist entstanden aus dem Bedürfnis heraus, überquellende Listen besser strukturieren zu können. JACAMAR vereint die Vorteile aus Tabellenkalkulations-Programmen wie Microsoft EXCEL oder OpenOffice CALC mit denen von relationalen Datenbanken.

Bekannte Funktionalitäten

Die grundsätzliche Darstellungsform einer Tabelle besteht weiterhin. Die bekannten Funktionen von Tabellen-Programmen wie Sortieren, Filtern, Suchen sind ebenfalls verfügbar und funktionieren sehr ähnlich wie in den genannten Tabellen-Programmen (Excel, Calc, FoxPro) Darüber hinaus gibt es zusätzliche Funktionen, die in Tabellen-Programmen nicht vorhanden sind oder nur aufwändig “simuliert” werden können:
  • Baumstrukturen: Unter einer Zeile können “Kinder-Zeilen” ein- und ausgeblendet werden, die verknüpfte Inhalte zeigen.
  • Ansichten: sind den eigentlichen Tabellen vorgeschaltet. Hier können Zeilen vorgefiltert und individuelle Spalten ausgewählt werden, die für eine spezielle Aufgabe benötigt werden. Alles andere bleibt im Hintergrund.
  • Reports: sind Sammlungen für die Weitergabe und die Präsentation und können zu beliebigen Inhalten erstellt werden. Ziehen Sie mit der Maus z.B. einen View in einen leeren Report (nur Kopf und Fußzeile sind enthalten), erhalten Sie eine Report-Darstellung der Inhalte des Views.

The Meta Model

The Meta Model is not visible to the business users but serves the IT department or the administrators as an overview of the database and business model that has been created. It is here you can attach simple relationships between individual data sets. Each “barrel” represents an object type, such as a product or a supplier of a company and the properties are mapped within it. You can quickly create the structure of a database, however many options are available for individual design. see video…

Jacamar maintains a meta model, which is well known from relational databases.
It consists of TYPES which have PROPERTIES.
Different to traditional databases, RELATIONS between types are “first class citizens”, which make foreign keys obsolete.

The meta model is visualised in a 3D room.
Types are shown as barrels.
Relations are shown as rubber bands between the barrels.
Properties are shown in a popup list with all their detailed settings.

Whenever changes are done in the MetaModel, all underlying data tables as well as all Navigation Paths are updated immediately.
This is the advantage of an online “Desktop Database”, there is no offline programming or adaptation required.

–> 3D room

–> Relations

–> Properties

–> Navigation

Table Views

Views are used for creating, processing and presentation of data.

There are different types of views, simple views which look like flat lists. Then there are cascaded views which can fold out in a tree structure and thus clearly represent relationships in a tabular form. There are also subviews that can display detailed information on data elements in a separate window, and all views can be divided according to their function in sections. see video…

There are two general views how to look to data: a “bird view” and a “keyhole view”.
Table views are for the “bird view”.
But we wanted to be better than poor/pure flat tables.
This is another advantage to be a “Desktop database”, having an own “Rich Client” user interface, which gives the opportunity to create an Excel like feeling and handling activities.
– direct Editability in the cells incl. different types of cell editors: Fix value, content proposal, Date, … editors.
– Filter/temporary Sorting. Filters can also be saved (better than Excel)

View configuration happens directly in the system. (column navigation path definition in a “curtain” on top of the table itself.

Tables can be cascaded, showing detail information in sub tree structures (particularly interesting for for to-many relations)

–> Cell handling

–> Filtering

–> Configuration

–> Cascaded

Navigation Language

The JACAMAR query language can be better described as a “Navigation language”.
Imagine all elements in the database are spheres in the space, connected as a network of rubber bands.
To define which information should be shown in a view, you “navigate” from one element along the rubber bands to the related elements and finally to the properties inside the elements.

Person.address[zip = “39108”)].town.single()
Starting with all Person elements in the database, we navigate at first to its addresses, filter the results for zip codes starting with “3” and take their town names. The last segment is a function which takes each name only one time.

This example shows:
– It is a lot easier to deal with relations compared to an SQL language, where you have to deal with JOIN statements, which is indeed only made for IT specialists.
– The language consists only of terms that were defined by the Database users themselves (except the function names).

This is the reason why we say, it has everything that makes a “Do-It-Yourself” database.

Column Functions

The filter function allows the flexible display of records for each user. The quick filter picks out individual records using a proposal list and complex filters can be created with multiple conditions across various branches in a cascaded view. Parametric filters can also be stored centrally and this enables the selection of relevant records in an initial view and can be included in any views.

The column sort function can be easily activated and sorts the records into ascending or descending order. see video…


In JACAMAR colour can be used to highlight or to differentiate between lines in a view, for individual cells or cell ranges and also in the Meta Model. That is to say that multiple lines of data elements can be coloured differently and the individual user can decide and display each view to their requirements. see video…

Importing and Exporting of Data

Data can be easily copied and pasted from one table and inserted into a view.
An intelligent import function automates repetitive tasks and parameters such as column titles can be imported together with the table of data.

Views and their structures can be edited on the screen and exported as you see them, resulting in a comma separated value (csv) file being created.

In addition, the entire repository can be exported as a *.zip file and used on other devices again. see video…

Concept of Roles

The role concept allows you to assign edit, read and no read privileges to different users and user groups within a project, thus managing protected and public data with a uniformed structure in a single repository. The privileges can be applied separately to a view and to the lines, columns and cells within a view and also to the specific elements of the business Meta Model such as the object types, properties and relations.

Multiple user roles also enables administrators to switch roles to carry out their daily work without affecting other users.

JACAMARs eingebaute Pivot-Funktion

Hier stößt jede Tabellenkalkulation an ihre Grenzen: Daten in unterschiedlichen Kontexten darstellen. Einfach die Sichtweise einmal umkehren. Aus Kunde » Bestellungen » Rechnungen » Artikel wird Artikel » Kunde >> also: Welche Kunden haben denselben Artikel gekauft?